Vanessa- a girl which as dark magic, potions and ability to teleport.
Audrey- a girl who is a witch. She has the ability to do a lot of potions.
Umi- a girl which has fairy powers and performs on stage with Nico. She is also an idol.
Nico- a girl who has the magic to sing like a melody and she is an idol . She makes sure that everyone who wants to join their group will have to follow her.
(There are 4 friends in the story. Their names were Vanessa, Audrey, Umi and Nico. It is their first day of school and Umi and Nico are happy to see school again.)
Vanessa: I do not want to go to highschool. *she makes an unhappy face*
Audrey: Yeah me too. I am not happy on going to school another time again.
Umi: Come on guys! We have to do it for our parents' sake.
Nico: Yeah, and I wonder if we will perform again in stage. Nico~Nico~Ni.
Vanessa: Fine, I guess we can give it a chance. How about you Audrey?
Audrey: Guess so. Whatever you say Vanessa.
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