26 parts Ongoing In a world where magic lay hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, a young girl named Y/N stumbled upon the extraordinary realm of Hogwarts by sheer accident. Unbeknownst to her, she had always possessed a latent magical ability, but her upbringing in the Muggle world had kept her blissfully unaware of the wonders that lay beyond.
As Y/N wandered through the grounds of Hogwarts, her curiosity piqued by the sights and sounds of the wizarding world, she found herself drawn into a whirlwind of unexpected encounters. Along the way, she crossed paths with familiar names like Scorpius Malfoy, Albus Potter, Lilly Luna Potter and Rose Weasley.
You can change y/n into the name you like. Like for example your own. And in this story your sorting classes is the one you'll like it to be. But please do remeber that you'll be describe her as a 16 year old girl.