Okay so as a quick catch-up for you... Ami anabari is mikotos ex. All of the red clan likes her, but she only has feelings for yaya-kun. She can transform into a wolf and a hawk. She has a red eye and a blue eye for each transformation. Fire doesn't hurt her.. And mikotos is overprotective of her. ~Ami's pov~ I look all around the skate park for yata. All of a sudden I see him running towards me. I turn around. "Yaya-kun!" I give him a big hug. "Ami Your okay... You are okay right?." I smile. "I'm fine, yaya-kun. I just.. I wanna go home. " I can't help the tears that fall off my cheeks. "okay.. " ~my yaya-kuns pov~ I'm going to kill fushimi. He has no right to have hurt Ami. I'm gonna kill him. But I do wanna know what he was talking about... And now that I think about it... Why was she in an alleyway with him in the first place? I'll ask her about it later. ~Ami's pov~ we walked to the bar. when I had to tell miko-kun what happened, he got overly pissed to the extreme of pisstivity...we went back to the skate park when he gave the all clear. I walked along with yata for a while. "hey, ami.... c-can I ask you a personnel question?" ... he never stuttered around me..."sure" I said. "what was that about, and why were you in an alley way with fushimi when we found you...?" we stopped. he turned to me with a serious look on his face. "w-well?" I couldn't look him in the eye. "he tried to take me back..." I heard myself mumble. "take you back? take you back were?" tears welled up in my eyes. " back to the place with the white walls..." I started crying. ~ yaya-kun's pov ~ I MADE HER CRY!!!!! I feel so bad now, but what white walls? I'll just ask mikoto. " you know what, y-you can just forget this ever happened. lets just go home, okay? I'm sorry. I- forget about it" Okay lovely's.... I'm gonna try to update every day besides weekends... okay maybe the weekends if i can get to my public library... love you. ill update after 5 likes!!!!!!All Rights Reserved