There are many things that we as individuals think about constantly on a intellectual level though we have never truly interacted with the idea physically or even figuratively. The neurological frame work of humans in general is a tricky one. We can think for long amounts of time about life and love. About what we want out of it and what we would much rather not deal with. It's interesting to be at an age where this all seems to accumulate rather quickly. Where all of these sudden decisions now matter and need to be made. A peculiar thing adolescences is. This particular work, 'Devil in a Thong' is a summary of these many elements. The topic of relationships stemming to love, sex, and things that could lead to certain depravity if let be is a constant struggle of mine personally. These are struggles that bind my generation, and I struggle with not being able to relate on that level. As an artist its hard to abstain from the gritty details of life, those seem the most damaging. The most interesting. If I could give a word of advice or a thought to take from this, it would be to maintain your thought process given how abstract it could become. This work isn't about a lady in particular or any sort of event, merely an exaggeration of sorts. A mixture of all those assumptions, perceptions, and justifications wraped in insecurities and delivery with great excitement. Though, I want you to know, reader. Love is key to knowledge. You can understand way more with compassion and understanding then just passion and feeling. So everything that is described to you, analyze each word and sentence, dissect every topic for this is overtly humanistic. Should you be so carful as to discover the meaning, hold it close. For growth in the mind is a representation of the precedent you may set.