A mermaid princess the youngest among 11 sisters🔱 A quest to find the ancient weapon.🔱 A spell cast upon her once the five years are up never to return to the ocean again or else she will die.🔱 One prince if learn of her bargain will decide her fate between them. One prince with a heart of a warrior who would anything to have her by his side unknown to her lie.🔱 A wicked sea witch, a war between Fishman and Mermaids has the little princess frustrated. 🔱 One weapon that would change the fate between the merfolk and Fishman of only her voice isn't loud enough to be heard.🔱 It's a race against time when a young mermaid's family's life is on the line finding the weapon will end the scheme the sea witch orchestrated the war and maybe be able to be with her prince for a while before she's disappear forever.