Stephenie Meyer wrote an amazing Saga, and we all know she isn't done, but we need something to keep our imagination running until the next book!
After Breaking Dawn isn't what I wanted it to be, and it isn't what I expected it to be. This was just a little busy-work for me, something to do when I got bored, but now it's got over 2K reads and I've got over 500 fans. I didn't plan this book, I didn't even write out the plot. I just wrote it as it came, and I'm not really that proud of it. It focuses mostly on Renesmee, Jake and a new character named Rachel. I felt that Edward and Bella were too much a part of Stephine's whole.. thing. I can't write in Bella's POV. I just can't do it. So have a good time reading this, because I'll be writing another one, that IS planned, and that HAS Edward& Bella in it a lot more.
Chi tea has side effects for demigods. One demigod in particular gets extreme side effects....
I do not own the characters and places and other things Rick Reordian put in his stories. Only the plot is mine.