"I... am a sex slave. A person held in servitude as the property of another, completely subservient to a dominating influence. Technically, I suppose "whore" would be a more appropriate term to describe what I am. You see, I have made myself completely available to a man, albeit one man, in exchange for money. This would include but is not limited to, my loyalty, discretion, and the use of my body in every way, shape and form that suits his needs. The irony is that I wasn't forced into this life. I chose it. Well, I really didn't have another choice as a better opportunity hadn't presented itself in time but I chose it all the same time. He didn't force me. He didn't seek me out. I hadn't been kidnapped or brutally beaten into submission. I went willingly....... And I did it all to save a life. My name is Isabella Clarks, and this is my story."
AUTHORS NOTE: I just wanted you guys to know that I did NOT write any of this, and I take NO CREDIT for it. I read this story on a different website and liked it so much I wanted to share it.
I only changed the names because I wanted those who did like the artist it was written about to enjoy this story too.
I want to respect the author with this amazing story.
Violeta Hódar tiene un problema, esta completamente enamorada de Chiara Oliver.
Su problema tendría una solución bastante sencilla, de no ser porque Chiara Oliver odia a muerte a Violeta Hódar.
Para empeorar las cosas, Chiara es la hermana de Alex, el novio de su mejor amiga Denna, y este es muy protector con ella.
Por todas esas razones Violeta Hódar tiene todas las de perder. O al menos eso es lo que le diría cualquier persona cuerda.
Conquistar a Chiara Oliver es una misión imposible. ¿Verdad?