Before people, there were Primum. They ruled this world, the dominant species of Earth, and coexisted peacefully with the humans. But, the people grew afraid of their Abilities and drove them away into a small group of forgotten islands. Eventually, they were forgotten. This whole time they have spent plotting their revenge. And now, the time has come.
The Recovery is beginning.
"As she kicked her feet impatiently in the ocean's water, dark blue in the night, starlight reflected off its surface, twisting and turning as if to the girl's command. Then, she waited. After a few minutes a figure approached. He was of average height and build, dressed casually in jeans and a gray sweatshirt. A few feet from where she sat on the beach, he paused and said, "You found it then. Finally. So splitting up was a good idea."
"Shocked?" the girl asked, without turning around.
"No, I'm glad," the boy replied. "Just a little surprised, that's all."
"Raidah was happy," the girl told him haughtily. "She thought it was meant to be."
"You told her already?"
"Yep. Called her on the fancy human cell phone she gave me. She wanted me to pass it on to you and go home for training." As she said this the girl sat up a little straighter, with a look of importance about her.
"She appointed you The Guardian?" asked the boy, sounding a bit shocked.
"Yes," the girl said curtly. "Not what you expected, is it?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude," the boy apologized.
The girl sighed and shifted the weight of the heavy box in her arms. "I know, it's just that everyone thinks I'm not capable. They don't think that I, a simple light worker, should be the Guardian of the most powerful one ever. Most of them want you to be the Guardian, Owen."
"Well, you still have years until the Hatching," the boy said, trying to console her. "If Raidah thinks you will be the best for the job, you are. She's never wrong." "
An except from Recovering Our Own: Prologue
My father brought out his long glinting sword and plunged it into my mothers stomach.
It seemed the second time was more painful than the first. It was like the reassurance that nothing was okay. That my mother really does die, that my father really is the bastard I know him to be. There's no escaping my future anymore. Growing up is the only way out. I pushed Mrs. Havisham away from me and fought out of Damon's iron grip. I stalked towardsmy father and his evil, hysterical grin. He opened his arms as if to hug me. I raised my sword and plunged it deep into his stomach. His face turned from a grin to shock and he looked down at his stomach to find the sword I was still holding implanted in his flesh. He looked back up at me and I pulled the sword out sharply, mercilessly. His face turned into a sick grimace which made waves of horror pass through my body. He fell to the ground just in front of my mother. A single tear ran down my cheek. I looked down at my mother and father, both dead, at my hand. Both bleeding because of a stupid peice of silver.
Fighting. Fighting for freedom, for her life and for her friends. Fighting is all Jessica can do anymore because if she doesn't fight, her life with slowly crumble around her.
Jessica was an ordinary girl until she came to Dean House but then again I suppose irony is sweet. She found she was a witch and a powerful one at that. She finds she has to bring down her father no matter what it costs, an arm, a leg, a life, even when it's her own mothers she can never stop. Fighting is the only things he knows now and a fighter she is.