In a world where everyone has a public file, one stands out from the rest. Will Zahkriisos, Mandalorian warrior and Combine Overlord, who just also is a half-Grimm, a rare crossbreed between human and Grimm, is the living and breathing incarnation of that file. Because of his species and his tendency to befriend some infamous people, he is criticized and feared by most people he meets. So he comes to Beacon Academy so he can start saving the world and become a hero. On the way, he will meet new friends, new foes, and the love of his life, but will the ghosts of the past, with their new allies, take it all away?
En el reino de Camelot la hija del rey decide jugarle una broma a su padre. Ahora ella había ido a la dimensión de Britania
"La curiosidad mato al gato" La pequeña niña se había encontrado con los mayores enemigos de su padre
Lancelot x Femoc!