Troye's last relationship didn't end well. At all. It ended in sadness, cheating and death. Troye loved Aaron and trusted him with his life. Bad idea. Aaron threw away Troye's trust along with his happiness. After Troye had decided he'd had enough, even though Aaron forbid him to see, or even speak to, anyone else, Troye started speaking to David. After a while they started dating. Yes, he was being unfaithful to Aaron but he wasn't left with much of a choice, since Aaron didn't let him speak to anyone other than him.
It has been almost a year since David died - was murdered. By Aaron. After Aaron found out about Troye and David, out of anger, he killed David and left Troye on the verge of death. Since then the only person Troye feels he can trust is Marcus. He can't even go to his own family since they made it clear he wasn't welcome because he was gay. The only one in his family he could trust, who didn't mind the fact that he was gay, was Steele. But Steele thinks that Troye simply ran away, he doesn't know his family made him leave. He has a few friends in London other than Marcus like Alfie and Zoe, but they don't know as much about him as Marcus does.
The whole incident left has Troye feeling broken and lost, so to help him get over it, he drank his worries away. Although the drinking had dialled down, it took the smallest thing to trigger it again. Though his friends want him to stop, he can't. If he does, he knows he won't be able to cope with what has happened.
One day when Troye was sitting in the bar, a boy walks in who instantly has his full attention. Could this be someone he grows to trust?
And when Aaron makes a surprise return, will Troye be stupid enough and fall for him all over again?
Elizabeth Olsen, one of the new professors at the highschool. She's a beautiful and intelligent woman in her mid thirties. She's a strict and cold woman in class.
Isabel Reyes, one of the popular girls in school. Confident and with a curious mind, outgoing and never one to back away from a challenge. However her older sister's death destroyed her, she missed her first year of high-school and had to repeat it.
Teacher x student
18 years difference