When you love someone, it can be beautiful. But it can also be sickening; so aching and so deep in the pit of your stomach that it makes you nauseous and giddy all at once. And the want, the desperate need, the endless desire for that person can almost drive you mad.
What a beautiful thing love is, to twist our gentle, fragile souls into something restless and alive. It is awakening, and it it is terrifying. It is exhausting, and it is tireless. But most of all, it is tragically, beautifully here, and we are too lucky to waste it.
This is the story (true or not, you can decide) of a girl, young and plain, who fell in love with a boy she thought was anything but. It is too precious a tale to be told through full and complex sentences, too difficult to explain in common format. So it will be told through poems, and my only hope is that it is enough.
Because the story isn't over yet.