I can't feel.
I'm just...numb.
Meaning, I really don't care about anything. I don't feel happy. Or scared. Or angry. Nothing.
Nothing MADE me this way, it's just the way I've always been. I don't mind, obviously, I mean, I CANT mind. I don't think anyone really notices, I look pretty normal. I'm not the dark goth girl in the back of the class who claims not to care, I'm just, me. Maybe I should care. Sometimes I wish I could, just out of pure curiosity, but I can't. I try, I try really hard. But I just...I'm just...numb.
But late at night, a man in a white hoodie with a carved smile, stirred something in me. Maybe it was fear. I'm not sure. But he is determined to ruin me, and is simply waiting.
Waiting for something he CAN ruin.
It's all a game to him. Just one big game. He wants me to fear him, but I can't.
So he's waiting.
Because you can't ruin a city that's already burned to the ground.
I'm so sorry guys, I'm horrible at descriptions. But I really think this'll be a good story so please try it, ok? c: