Robert "Bobby" Vitug is a typical college boy who takes a stand about not believing in ghosts due to his lack of experience with the paranormal world. One night, however, has changed this perception when he is forced by his peers into doing the 'Bloody Mary myth'. Since that fateful night, Bobby starts seeing ghosts which has put his faith to test. The sudden appearances of ghosts, demons, and the repeated apparitions of the Bloody Mary has diminished what remains of his hope. At the verge of collapsing, a startling revelation makes him realize his biggest mistake of all: the reason for all these. Set in 2002, 'Decay in Her Bones' is a horror/thriller novel of a boy who is finding his way out of the series of dreadful events which follows his regretful mistake on venturing into the unknown. Aside from its bloodcurdling themes, this novel also explores the issues of love, loyalty, and faith against the setting of hopelessness and teenage nuisances.