The story takes place in 1911, where a widowed man named Jack Ackerman (Evan Peters) and his three children move to a town called Gideon. Just a year ago, Jack's wife, Mary died during child birth, but the baby survived. Jack's oldest child is a boy named Joseph, nick-named Joey, who is 11. His middle child is a girl named Margaret, nick-named Maggie, who is 7 and the one-year-old infant is a girl named Abigail, who is nick-named Abby. Jack couldn't take the stress of living in his old house where Mary had died and moved to the said to be haunted town, Gideon, not believing in such things like ghosts. There, he meets a wealthy girl named Anna Peterson (Lily Rabe) and finds himself falling for her slowly. But is Anna what she seems to be? What secrets is she holding? What will Jack get himself into?