Imagine only being eight when you are taken from your family by the government. No not taken. Sold. in the year 3000 River Jacques or RJ was sold to the government by her parents for money issues. The government has changed in many ways. Taking kids or having kids be sold to them was one way. But when River was sold she was trained to become a soldier. Not knowing that Government's greatest weapon will become their greatest threat..... 'Mama sat there brushing my hair to the side as she hummed a song. "Five little ducks went out to play. Over the hills and far away. Mother duck went 'Quack quack quack' one little duck came running back." She finishes looking down at me. "Why is there only one duck and not four?" I ask my arms snaking around the medium sized bear. "The one duck made his own choices and fought back. That one duck is you River. Remember that." Mama whispered kissing my forehead. The last kiss I would ever get from her.Seluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang