Logan was your average teenage boy. He got good grades in school and was a great student with a bright future ahead of him. But little did he know that his twin brother Aaron was going to completely change that. Aaron was always the trouble maker of the two. He got into fights and got himself into some bad situations. Aaron usually kept Logan out of the trouble he made until one day Aaron joined a gang called Venom. The gang leader, Derek, requested that Logan be a part of their gang and if Logan denied they would kill Aaron and his whole family as a punishment. Logan agrees to be a part of the gang in order to keep his family safe. For months the gang did nothing but torture Logan and all the other new members endlessly. Logan finally had enough and decided to leave. But leaving wasn't going to be an option. Aaron knew about his plan to leave and knew that if he left his life and his families would be ended. So Aaron told Derek about his plan to leave which infuriated Derek. Derek than gather Logan and some of the other members of the gang and sent them on a mission to go and kill this other group of gang members who Derek said was killing innocent people and terrorizing a whole town. So Logan and the other members went to kill these people and succeeded. But they weren't gang members... they were just an innocent family that did nothing wrong. Logan filled with guilt and shock from killing one of them fell on his knees while the rest of the gang members left Logan as the police showed up to the scene. Logan was than arrested for the death of a family of 4. Since Logan was only 14 at the time and the court could see how terrified he was they decided for him to spend only 4 years in prison. 4 years later and Logan was finally 18 and leaving prison. After Logan's release from prison him and his mother decided to move to a new town so that he could start his life over. But little did Logan know that once your a member of Venom your always a member of Venom.All Rights Reserved