Meet Adelina Smith, a shy sixteen year old girl who only opens up to her closest friends. Attending Everdale High School as a junior, Adelina struggles to survive each day without coming home with new bruises. Heavily bullied at school by her sister, Adelina's ability to trust new people has dwindled. Her sister's grudge has led to betrayal and pain, but no matter how hard her sister tries to break her, Adelina stubbornly stands tall. Adelina's strength comes from her strong friendship with her dance crew who continuously show her that life is worth fighting for.
Meet Aiden Pierce, the star soccer captain that everyone girl dreams about and every boy envies. His cold indifference toward people other than his family and friends just seems to shroud his personality in mystery and in effect, skyrockets his popularity. Surrounded by wealthy and beautiful people, Aiden's life seems like a perfect world where everyone gets along and lives in houses lined with white picket fences; however, Aiden's life is far from ideal. Scarred by a past incident that closed him off from the world, Aiden refuses to let anyone else into his heart.
When Aiden and Adelina meet, disaster follows and the promises they made to themselves seem to crumble. While Adelina struggles to keep her head tall and not let her sister break her, Aiden fights against the possibility of getting hurt when letting someone new in. Join Adelina on a journey in finding herself and regaining the confidence to rely on others.