Angelica Jones is not like other Soc girls. She's not into beer blasts on the river bottoms or anything like that. Though she still has her girly side, she shares a love for sports with her dad. Many times, she tried getting on the football team, but the coach doesn't let her. Other than that, she's happy, bubbly, crazy funny, and sweet.
The Soc guys love being around her, and the girls... she has a couple of good girl-friends. But when an incident happens, her life turns completely upside down. Now, she is hiding, living in the hood side of town with her two older brothers, Tony and Austin. People start treating her different, except on guy. He's still there for her, but tries not getting seen with her.
She soon realizes why the greasers hated her so much, she now knows what they have to through. Soda does his best to help her adjust to her new lifestyle. And on the way, she can't help but have feelings for him. But with all the girls that are constantly with him, she gets heart broken more than once. Is Soda the right guy for her? If he is, will he step up and forget about the rest and just focus on her?
Follow Angelica in her story of how she managed to escape death, twice, hide from the cops, and find love all in one summer. All rights go to S.E. Hinton
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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