A grieving, homeschooled, seventeen year old Hana, unable to hide her emotions any longer, enrolls in public school to escape her depressive thoughts and allow her mother to take a new job. When she unexpectedly makes a friend in Zoe, the two find themselves being followed by mysterious men and kids with black eyes. Now in danger, facing things they can't explain to their parents without a trip to the mental hospital, the pair are given more answers than they want, and find themselves in the middle of a war of super-sapiens from another planet. But its when Hana meets the young commanding officer Alec of the super-sapien militia trying to defend earth, that she realizes she may have more in common with them than she ever thought possible. Despite Alec's efforts to keep her away, Hana feels herself pulling closer to him and discovering her lifetime of grief may not have been ordinary. He just may be the key to unlocking her tragic past and the only hope of reclaiming her future.