Jongin, Kyungsoo, their friends, and their baby, believe they have finally found their home after fighting off the Government and the Sterile Desert. Now they're back at the beginning, where it all started, the land before The Invasion. Everything seems to have changed, but when they finally settle into their new and better lives, they realize that they are far from the truth they seek--and not so far from the Government's reach.
"I've seen this happen before, Jongin. People like you come here and think everything is going to be all fine and dandy, but freedom doesn't come without a price. And for you and your friends, this is that price."
Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.
Now that they've escaped The Dome, Jongin, Kyungsoo and they're friends are stranded out in the Sterile Desert. With no sense of direction or survival necessities, they meet Taemin and Jonghyun, who take them to Kohara, an isolated colony of people who have also escaped The Dome. There, they learn the truth about The Dome and the Government that controls it--and about themselves.
"You and Jongin came here thinking you'd find the truth that would lead you to your past lives and your families; you came for the good truth. But that's exactly the kind of truth we don't have here."
Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.