35 Части Завершенная история I hear the same manly, British voice say, "Go away. I'm not interested in buying your Girl Scout cookies."
I let out a nervous laugh. "Erm...I'm not selling cookies. I-"
"Then what do you want?" the same voice says.
Darn! That voice sounds so familiar.
I clear my throat. "I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Diana, the neighbor next door. I-"
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you." he says.
I growl. "Fine then...have a great day, Mr. Grumpy." I look down, slowly backing up. I forget about the steps, and fall.
Everything goes dark.
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17-year-old Diana Nielson has always loved the famous boy band, One Direction. They took her out of depression when her jerk-of-a best friend, Blake Spencers, physically abused of her a few years ago. Problem is, he's been trying to get her to date him, forcefully, to the point where she's considering putting a restriction order on him.
✔What happens when the new neighbors that moved in right next door to Diana's house are not some common people?
✔What if they are...Louis Tomlison, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Zayn Malik?
✔Will they protect Diana from her aggressive stalker?
✔Will they be able to help Diana get over her troublesome past?
✔Will Diana fall for any of them? Will any of the five fall in love with her, if not all?
(Yes, I will include Zayn...for a while...)
I do not own 1D...
©DorkaliciousDama13 2016
©Licensed Directioner®
Verified Official by 1D