Hi I'm a big big fan of Jacob Satorious and I'm now writing a story about him. FAN FIC NOT REAL STUFF You were sent to your new moms house and you had a new brother named Matt. (I forgot the friends name)!Matt always hung out with a guy about your age. He always had his phone out singing into it. Well Kinda Lip sinking. You thought that was adorable and one day your brother screamed and you ran into his room. Matt's Friend was screaming "DON'T TELL HER"! Matt laughs and you smile while he turns around to see you. "Whats wrong I was watching YouTube you say. Oh Nothing about Jacob Satorious. Wait you mean Ugh How could I be so stupid. You say. "Oh right Y/N loves your videos" Matt says Smiling. "I hate you Matt"you say turning out of the room.....All Rights Reserved