Bones, quite a few bigger than her own body, lay in a sick black circle on the ground. Where the grass should have lay, a dark mess of revolting death sat. Like the dirt had come alive with death itself. Sticking up from the black goo, yellow bones sat. Cracked, Nauseating things, their smell as repulsive and gut wrenching as things could get. Dark flesh sat in areas, shredded to hell. How could this thing have ever have been alive? Thoughts tumbled through her mind as she buried her muzzle into the ground, never taking her eagle eyes from the horrifying, gruesome scene in front of her.
Her world was not like this.
the song of the wolf, so scared and so clear,
the pelt of the cub, filled with the scent of fear.
the claws of the lion, covered in hate,
the eyes of the eagle, searching for its mate.
the body of the panther, with muscles like stone,
the brain of a human, lounging on its imaginary thrown.
terrifying, only an animal at its best?
chimera, hiding in its nest.
His nightmare bones.