This is the story of the two great continents of the world. The one of sorcerers, and the one for the simpler regular people. They used to live with many disagreements, well they still do. But ten years ago a deal was made between the royals. A deal that did not make one happy. Now in the present day of the kingdom of the Black Roses the two royals meet up again. The Prince doesn't know why a guard makes him feel so strange, and why she dislikes him. But with her at the castle many exciting things happen and more blood is shed. As the Prince finds his feelings for her, so do the other prince's. So many conflicts come to the kingdom's. There are many secrets this guard keeps, she is not herself and she is by no means normal. She is abnormally strong and she doesn't care about honorifics. She is rarely ever awake in the day and she seems to be able to do magic. Magic is not something people in these kingdoms like. They are afraid of magic, sorcerers torment them and attack them.