The companions have been lead to believe that the Druid College in their home town is corrupt. Will they do anything about it?
This is the adventures of 5 lifelong friends who get involved in something much bigger than they expect it to be.
I have read many sifi and fantasy novels in my life and seen 100s of movies. Undoubtedly parts of them will leak into this world. I will not be giving credit to where the ideas are from. I may not even remember where they came from. If you know or think you know feel free to comment.
All this being said please enjoy your visit to our little part of the D&D multiverse and please be kind. This is in the end all for fun and to create memories with family and friends. Feel free to use anything you see here in your own campaigns.
P.S. Update (10/15/18) The story line was supposed to unfold before you at the same rate that it did for the characters. I could not risk them finding out what the grand plot is before I reveal it. It would have been very anticlimactic. Since I started this the D&D group has moved on and even though we are playing every week we have abandoned this particular story line. I am however going to move forward with this story in a narrative. Looking at it from a schizophrenic point of view. Trying to move forward playing out what I feel like would happen in each circumstance. At times literally rolling dice that the players would have. Come along with be. Take a ride through my imagination.
[# 88 in TEEN FICTION on 14/3/18.]
[#5 in angerissues on 10/05/2018]
No matter where you come from, your dreams are always valid.
RULE 1: Never let anyone under estimate the power of your dreams.
RULE 2: Always follow rule one.
These were the only principles little Ria lived by.
Her devoting and protective nature always came out as harsh and bitch-y.
Everytime she felt threatened, her claws came out, ready to destroy.
It's only you who knows the value of your dreams.
So, what will she do when her exterminator walks into her life, ready to ruin everything she lives for.
She fight's.
A fight between two souls.
"Who do you think you are?" she asked, bravery seeping through every syllable leaving her mouth.
A devil carves fear, and when you don't give him that, he is agitated.
"Your nightmare baby." he smirked as he leaned closer to her.
They say never look into his eyes...he is evil.
Don't cross paths with him...he is unforgiving.
Never challenge him...he is destructive.
But what did she do???
Every damn thing she wasn't supposed to! Add a punch to the already shaky equation and you'll find yourself amidst drama...teenage drama.
Is it right to let these two souls collide?
"I am not your damn servant whom you order around, get that straight through your thick skull!" with that she walked away like a pro if I may say so...leaving him staring at the place where she previously stood.
When an ego is hurt, revenge is born.
"Come on guys. . .we need to sort out some things," all his friends could do was watch; watch helplessly, as destruction planted it's ugly claws into their lives.
A tale of destruction, misery, loyalty, friendship, trust and betrayal.
"If you call yourself a dreamer, I call myself a dream-snatcher. You won't even know what hit you, little girl," he thought, as he smirked wickedly at her retreating figure.
Has mild cursing be warned!