There was this woman who, before the ninetails has been sealed to the first Jinchūriki, was a youkai, who fell in love with 'lil ol grumpy Kurama' or whatever she calls him.
Anyways, this certain youkai has the same form of Kurama, a ninetailed fox, only that she is seen more in her part human form, which Kurama even questioned himself, yet he didn't get an answer.
So anywho, as time passed, both fell in love but then when the ninjas, one day saw Kurama while he was ravishing their village for a reason they don't know, they sealed him to someone, and so on and so forth.
The reason you ask? Well, the ninjas took the woman away, when she was just passing by the village gates and the people where horrified, seeing her, so yeah, they put her in a high security prison with no meaning.
When the time Kurama has been released yet once again, he saved the woman, who in return ran with her life, not before telling him the news.
"I am carrying our child." She smiled.
Years passed and Kurama was again sealed by and no news were heard about the woman, but then there was this child in the woods, splahing by he water as her unusual ears in her haur twitched and her tails swaying as she twirled through the shallow water.
"Ahaha! This is fun!"
But then, a certain blonde haired Uzumaki curiously walked to her, and this is how it started.
Gli ultimi anni di liceo Alyssa May non li ha superati facilmente .
Ora che si è trasferita in California dovrà affrontare il secondo anno di college, sarà l'opportunità giusta per ricominciare da 0 e lavorare su se stessa.
Tutto sembra filare liscio, un fidanzato perfetto, un rendimento finalmente alto , nuovi amici ed una madre soddisfatta della persona che sta diventando.
Finché non si imbatte in Liam Cooper , il classico ragazzo che si raccomanda di non frequentare , dannatamente bello e velenoso ma allo stesso tempo ipnotico ed irraggiungibile , insomma non il principe azzurro che Alyssa ha sempre sognato da bambina ma qualcosa in lui l'attira e rischia di distrarla da i suoi obbiettivi di una vita perfetta.
Riuscirà a non cadere in tentazione? O sarà lei a capire di non desiderare altro che un amore imperfetto?
Lo scoprirete solo leggendo.