You know how at school there's always these "catagories" of people. Sections of nerds, gossip girls, desperate sluts, the guy group, the girl group, the average girls, goody goodies, ghettos, the nobodies.... It really just twist my panties in a bunch watching it. I swear i'm close to bitch slapping the next girl i see all scoochin up to the guys at lunch. And to top that most of those guys have girlfriends! I talk to those guys and most of them don't even like those girls that cling to them. But of course all the girls don't think that. They go on and on and on about how they think he's going to ask her out or how they think they're in love. When really they're just setting themselves up for major dissapointment. When they see him exchanging saliva with some other girl they're gunna mess up their pretty little heads fessing about it. I'm Rebecca. I've hung out with most of those groups but i just don't really belong with any of them. I'm not a nobody, i have friends, not close friends but what does that matter. School starts again next wenesday, and let me say hallelujah, my summer wasn't the best....Все права защищены
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