The lovely, exciting, short stories yours truly has come up with, I'll most likely update this more than any of my other works, since I will be using this as a way to reduce writer's block and also when I just get some random ideas,
May consist of anything and everything from fiction, fanfiction, nonfiction, medieval, futuristic, or anything my little self may come up with. :)
As always, I personally thank each and every one of you for reading and telling your friends about my silly writings!
Waffle heart atcha - <# Rep~
30 short stories inspired by 30 writing prompts. If you use any (or all) of these, please dedicate me, PM me, or tag me in the chapter so I can read it! I'd love to.
(Guys it literally took me like 5 hours to realise I misspelt Prompts in the Title fuck)