Stigmatists are people who have suffered from tramas, these tramas are called their stigmatism, and gained strange powers from the tramas. The first wave popped up in the 70's. Fear of them spread like a wild fire. After all but three of the original stigmatists are hunted and killed a secret branch of the UN funds the survivors to make a school to train new stigmatists to use their powers responsibly. The only catch to attending this school is you have to work in teams to "keep the peace" and hunt down rogue stigmatists. Character list: In order of appearance Patrick: an Irash boy turned American. He is rash and Unpredictable. He looks like a ghost that phased through a wall. Catherine:a girl from the slums of white chapel England. With a fear of people and lack sympathy for the Volger. After all what is a rose without her thorns? Matthais:a young French artist with an imagination that comes alive. Melody:a timid girl who keeps to herself. Her song will make your instincts dance.All Rights Reserved