btw the two people that are dating will be next to each other
Sophia-Anne and Aaliyah are best friends that love to travel around the world. What happens when Liam comments on Aaliyah tweet and they go to London for a One Direction Concert and find the love of there love? ( Sophia- Anne is British specifically Cambridge, Aaliyah is Eygptian specifically from Cairo) Aaliyah likes bad boys she thinks he would protect her. Sophia-Anne likes cute nice boys that are buff. I know what your thinking Zayn and Aaliyah, Sophia-Anne and Liam. Read to find out. (btw There will be Cliffhangers and mysteries and these two boys might not be the last boys Sophia-Anne and Aaliyah date in the band wink wink and one particular boys fancies a particular girl with out her knowing wink wink