BEAUTY is always going to be at the expense of my health.
INTELLIGENCE is always going to make me feel incompetent.
WISHES TO BE better will only ever be wishes.
TRUST is too dangerous to consider,
FAITH is for those who require an explanation,
MIRRORS are two faced, and sometimes terrifying.
To COPE was never easy, and now it's only getting worse.
FEAR plagues me especially,
HESITANCE is one of the only things I'm sure of, and
LOVE is too much like suicide to be looked upon so highly.
FAKE never made sense to me, and is always going to be questionable.
EXCELLENCE is perceived, and I don't like your perception.
BOLD is the only thing I know I must be.
I CAN BE BEST AT all the things you don't want to try,
and I think I'll wait here on the DISAPPEARING POINT.
My INK may not tell the whole story.
I'm scared of the truth, so you called LIAR.
THE WAY I LOOK AT SCARS is different, I promise, but please share your opinions...
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