As the title suggests this is where I put information I gather about boss battles from the loveable RPG Undertale. From the Genocide (No mercy) Route, to the True pacifist I'm here to help you all beat the game without struggling, and make it stress-free, so that, if you don't want to or cant figure out what to do, this will give you an idea. I will tell you which Items I used and each turn, how to dodge a specific attack and where I died most often. This is not a cheat code, I will not tell you EXACTLY what to do, for example, I will not tell you during the Undyne fight which directions the spears come from, but give you a general idea. You can request a certain boss or for example a specific creature, ex. Amalgamites, and I will play through the game and gather all the info I can on these particular bosses or creatures.