Beautiful sisters in Islam and in humanity this is dedicated to you.
The aim and objective of this, is to enable you to understand why you are so precious, and therefore have to cover up.
But my beloved sisters, hijab is to be observed not only in how we dress but also in our actions, mannerisms and behaviour.
Many sisters in this day and age, are ignorant of how proper hijab should be observed. To understand why we observe hijab, it is important to go back to the basis. First and foremost, we wear hijab because Allah told us to, in the Quran. We wear it because it is a form of worship. When Allah commands you to do something, you do it, purely because your Lord is telling you to.
Whenever, Allah commands us to do something, there is always greater reasoning behind it. Allah makes ease for us and not hardship. Hijab is a protection for us. It limits the number of people who can see our beauty. Only the most deserving, our family and husbands can see our beauty.