I fell down the rabbit hole on a calm Sunday afternoon. At first, it felt as if I was in a dream, but that soon changed. Everything had become a nightmare. When I followed that rabbit, I was seeking adventure, along with an escape from reality. It was all amazing, until the stupid Queen of Hearts had to come bud in and ruin everything, had to ruin my perfect fantasy.
She defeated me...locked them all up, the Hatter, the Hare, Twiddle De, Twiddle Dum, and even the Cheshire Cat. Then she beheaded me. Me! I wasn't going to let her beat me so easily. I was going to save all of them. No. Mater. What! Even if it means dying again and abandoning all I had known before. I was going to get my revenge, rescue my friends, and let her feel the pain she caused me and the rest of Wonderland.