(In Progress) There was once a time when the Earth was inhabited by magical and nonmagical beings living in harmony. Shape-shifters dwelt peacefully in villages on the mountainsides, men and wizards lived off the same land, Witches and other creatures were kind being, unafraid of one another, free to do as they would. Then it all changed. Ruven, an evil woman trained in magic, discovered a dark form of magic and made it her own. She used it, creating beasts and monsters to obey her. She waged war on the good, corrupting the minds of man and killing any resistance, plunging the world in darkness. Yet a small band of 5 good wizards and witches remained with a potion to put Ruven into a temporary sleep for hundreds of years. They knew when she woke she would be stronger, so created 5 items to help future defenders. The 5 hid the items and gave her the potion, 4 of the 5 killed in the process. But Ruven was put to sleep, and some peace was returned to the world. Until now.
8 parts