So I thought it be interesting to speak to my fellow Wattpad Friends and to share their love of writing, food and life in general. This is not only for big writers to share their success with everyone but also with up and coming writers to make their voices better known.
Everyone writes in a different way and many of us are curious to hear how another person writes. I hope their journey through writing will inspire us all to keep on taping those keys and making our characters come alive, in whatever vein that may be.
The interviews are all about (in my eyes) of supporting writers and inspiring others. If you would like me to interview anyone or if you are interested in being interviewed and you like my niche cafe style. I'm a friendly sort, feel free to stop by for a cuppa. I may even bake you a cake whilst we have a natter, drop me line, lets have a banter and have a chat, honestly I really don't bite.
Within these next few pages are the questions I asked them and their varied inspiring responses and if you haven't heard of these talented writers yet, you soon will do.
I will attach the links to their works for you discover yourself the world they have created within the pages of their works. Interviews will be posted on a Friday fortnightly basis.
No part of these interviews may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission by the author.
Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb