STOP. BREATHE. Cry if you must. But keep on going. Imagine your parents. Good. Now imagine yourself. Great. Now imagine all the people you know and have ever seen before. Awesome. Now take all that and put it in to a kingdom and make your parents a king and queen. Make yourself a prince or princess and all those random people, your people. Good. Now just One more little thing... Make your self the new king or queen, Make your parents dead and killed at a conference massacre. Make the person you love forbidden to marry you Because they are in the same rank as you Along with the fact that you won't admit it. Make your best friend suicidal and your brother murderous. and your alliance made up of magicians, gargoyles and a barbarians and the alliance that you will die if you don't trust be made up of a faes ,mutant human's and elves. Congrats... you now have the life of Caden burgess.