Taking place on a different planet called Feyter, mythological beasts inhabit it. A young girl named Verity Lygonne has a strong fascination for dragons; a creature which her town of Kilshore, absolutely despises and will basically have whomever even mentions that word will be placed in prison, or worse; death.
On a lazy day of school, Verity decides to head out to some place for a little adventure. It was during recess, and she had told both her little brother Emory, and older sister Cordelia that she was going somewhere, almost immediately Emory wanted to go with her, but she had told him no, and that she wanted to go alone and posibly read about dragons where no one could make fun of her for it.
On her little journey, she had found a grassy meadow which seemed picture perfect to her; the ideal place to learn more about dragons. As she was nose-deep into the book, she had heard what seemed like a low growl. She couldn't believe what she had seen:
Exos, Controller of Death