-SEQUEL TO 'The Cover Girl'- (And once again, thank you to SydneyB31698 for letting my use her one shot idea, you beautiful human being you.) Several months have passed since Micah Jonathan boarded the plane to San Diego. After that, she fell off the grid. No one knew what happened to her. No one knew where she was. Micah's been doing just fine being silent. Trying to hide from the boy she fell in love with. But what happens when she gets a record deal? I mean, that viral video of her wasn't exactly 'private'. And what happens when she needs to go on tour with a popular band to raise her publicity worldwide. Yeah, that's right. Micah Jonathan is going on tour with them AGAIN. She's going on tour with One Direction. She's going on tour with her friends. She's going on tour with the boy who unknowingly crushed her heart. She's no longer The Cover Girl. No. This is The Singing Girl.All Rights Reserved