In a world where quartz energy that is utilized by mankind expands throughout the years...villages merged into towns and cities. Shinobi morph into a blend of military style soldiers, though they still retain their usage of their crafts and thanks to the ARCUS, can control their quartz chakra like a fine tuned weapon. Roughly 11 years ago, an incident in the woods of Heimdallr and Trista's bordering territory...a monster of quartz energy reared it's head, nearly wiping out everything... but, a single group of Jaeger's sealed the beast away into a young child, just recently born...she became a hero before she could even walk, yet those who knew of the beast's sealing never seen her as an equal. An outcast, she learned to seal her emotions away, into the deepest depths of her heart. Hiding away her talents to keep away unwanted attention, the young girl never revealed her skills...and only few truly knew what she was really capable of. (I own nothing, TBC in Ch. 0/Info 2 Know)