Love... What is love? Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Aristotle said, but is it true? Some say that love is just a physical attraction between two individuals, some even say that love is not a feeling, they said that is just a state of mind, a physical attraction, that is all just exterior. There exists endless theories about what love is or how it feels like and me personally have never felt such a thing. Love is a foreign word for me, the only love I know of is the one I've read on books where the perfect girl finds the perfect boy and they live happily after, but in real life that doesn't work that way. Someone once told me that love is pure and stays with you forever, they said that no matter what happened with that person if you truly loved them you always will, even if they hurt you, your love for them will blind you, it will make you forgive them. Their imperfection will become perfection to your heart, the darkness will become light and the ugly will become beautiful. _____________________ I remember when I first met him, he was so rude and disrespectful, all a trouble maker. I didn't know he was famous and I surely didn't want to know him. But he practically forced is way into my life, he made promises, he lied, he played games with my mind and without knowing it I slowly fell for him. Even though he hurt me I was blinded by him, not by his looks, or his beautiful green eyes, nor by his words. I was blinded by him, the real him, the way he was, the way he persuaded things, his view about life all the things he did, it was just him and I guess I closed my eyes for a second and before I knew it I was in love with him, and I mean real love, the one Aristotle talked about, true love. But Harry and I were so different yet we had so much in common but I do know that what I feel for him is real, but does he feels the same way about me?