39 Partes Concluida (please note that this story has been rewritten and can be found under the name JUST FALL on my profile)
35 girls. 2 princes. The opportunity of a lifetime.
Cassiana Lowes is an Eight, living on the streets of Kent. She and her mother live off of lies--after all, the only way for them to survive is to pose as Fives and Sixes to get any type of money, and even then it usually isn't enough.
When Cassiana enters the Selection, it's solely because she knows that she and her mother need the money. She doesn't do it for anything else, and most definitely not in hopes of falling in love. But the one thing that she hadn't planned on happened--she fell in love with both of the princes, and they fell in love with her, too.
One headstrong and cynical prince, one tragic death, one new friendship, one potential love that never will go beyond the competition, and one Selection. Will Cassiana choose Mason, Alexander, or her life back home?