My name is Charlie O'Brien, I am 17 years old I'm not you average 17 year old girl, my family died in a car crash when I was 9 years old, I've hidden sense then I ran into a old abandoned cottage, I've spent all the years I have been alone to create a generator so I can have hot water and electricity. The only reason I'm surviving is because my Dad showed me how to hunt for game and find fresh water. I've found a sense of comfort in working on the cottage, hunting, climbing trees, and reading the old books from the bookshelf. I grief for my family ever waking day of my life, I feel as though it was my fault, oh how I wish I could see them again, but I have to face reality and live on my own, and I refuse to turn myself in to foster care, I'm fine on my own, I've lived this long so I will never give in, I will never have human contact, I'm a loner, but the question is for how long?