I AM UNSURE HOW TO CONTINUE THIS FOR NOW. ORIGINAL DESC.- Meet Holly- a girl who has such crippling ADD that in class the only thing she does is write notes. Notes that have stories of the many dark things in our world. She shies away from everybody, sits in the corner in class and just hides herself away. To make matters worse her mind soon becomes tainted with anxiety and OCD. All she can do is write her notes, in hope that one day they could be found as a great cause of inspiration for those targeted in them. And then there's Sam. He has such panic attacks that he doesn't know what can help him. He fades into his own world inside his head, where he can escape the cruel reality he lives in. He stays away from people because he is scared of what can happen. He doesn't know how to go through life. He is a lost cause as far as he thinks. -ongoing- #SaveALife #womanpower #WeFightOnAll Rights Reserved