"I..." he hesitated. Gods, what could he even say? "I'm sorry that I didn't help you Hermione, I wish I did. I wish..." Draco trailed off and didn't finish his sentence. He wished he had stood with her. He wished he had made the right choice. He wished... well he had to many mixed feelings spinning around in his head like a goddamn bird to know what he wished. Hermione pulled her sleeve down, covering the ugly scar that wouldn't ever fade. "We all made choices we regretted. Some of us didn't have a choice either." She looked up at him, her golden brown eyes, seemed to stare right through him, down to his core. Draco looked down, suddenly unable to look her in the eyes. "I should've gotten sent to Azkaban with my father. I don't deserve a second chance like this." He meant it too. Hermione stood. Her liquid golden gaze rested him filled with understanding and sympathy. "Everyone deserves a second chance Draco, even if they don't think so." **Disclaimer I do not own any of the characters. All rights belong to Jk Rowling**All Rights Reserved