"Why do you choose to paint?" Tobias asks, leaning back against the house, his legs dangling over.
"It's an escape I guess. I get to create something, anything." I say, pulling his warm sweatshirt closer.
"Would you say that you're able to create something you may not have in your own life?" Tobias asks, turning his head to the left to look at me.
I turn my head to the right to see him. "I guess so, why?" I answer.
"Paint me something. Paint me a better life."
Addicted to drugs and unable to remember a day he hadn't had a drink of alcohol, Tobias Eaton struggles with his life. Not only the addictions, but the fact that his home are the streets of Chicago. He left home when he was sixteen and has never looked back. He's now made a small name for himself, being the best street fighter there is in the city of Chicago. And all his money, goes to the drugs and booze. And the most ironic thing, is that the place he fights the most is a block away from a rehab facility.
Beatrice- Tris- Prior, finds him one night on her normal route home from work as an artist. His face almost a different color and blood dripping all down his body. At first, he seems icy, and cold. But he soon warms up to the idea that someone may actually care.