Moje pierwsze opowiadanie. Opowiada o wymyślonej przeze mnie historii Billa Ciphera i o tym, jak STAŁ się demonem.
Zapraszam do czytania ^.^
Okładka nie jest moja. Znalazłam fan art na pinterest.
Chuuya had signed off a contract with the approval of selling himself off after the events of his life.
He thought his life would somewhat be fine with a new home even if being used, but then a tall weirdo suddenly buys him to be his apprentice and HUSBAND???
This is obviously inspired by the anime The Ancient Magus's Bride and just saw the fanart and really wanted to do it
I'm rewatching the anime and will upload a chapter each time a watch a new episode which will probably take a while...
And when I'm done writing the whole story I'll probably make a second book for the next season and OVA's.
But I'll definitely rewrite the first book in the future if needed if I don't like how I wrote it in the past