"One, two, three, four. From the P to the A to the N to the T to the H to the E to the R to the S. Panthers. From east to west, all you do is shake your butts. Cheer 101 for stupid sluts."
World's is coming up in 3 weeks and The Cheer Athletic Panthers are competing - winning like always. What would you do if you were the captain on the allstar, all-time-winning team of Cheerleading and you found out that the five members of One Direction had to become cheerleaders in three weeks?
Would you freak out or would you play it cool?
For Bo Brooks, she tried to act cool but ended up falling for the one and only Niall Horan But she has to keep it professional right?
"So what would you say if we added a little romance to this friendship aye Bo?"
"I say, Bring It On: One Direction."