The morning of May 2200, a girl who is 16 today is finding her perfect match. Her name is Emily. She lives a normal life for any sixteen year old. You see back when the wars of 2020 got out of hand scientists took over. We re-built our society. If this new world that we built up there came a new technology. We all wear these bracelets that count down to a spacific date. When we meet our perfect match. This was to eliminate all the marriages that never worked. We needed this to boost our population as the war had left us with very few people. Different people have different countdowns. Others could find theirs as early as 10 all the way into their 80's. When your perfect match dies your countdown stops and tells you. You grief and receive a new Perfect match. There are people who don't want to receive their perfect match. We call them abandons.All Rights Reserved