People say you only get one chance of happiness. They say it like it has been written in stone, but what happens if you break that stone? Can you get a second chance of happiness? What happens when you already have a slice of happiness in you life? Can you have another? These are the question that Deon Gates is asking. He, one day, get called by his head of year *The person who controls that year group* and he says that Deon is failing. To anyone that is bad news, but to Deon that is the worst news you can get. He is now be over dramatic. No. It is the worst news he could get because he is the Captain of the Rugby Team and is also the "IT" boy of the school. He is thinking that it will only go down hill from that point but no. The Year Head says (More like demands) that he needs to get a tutor or he is off the team. And he knows the perfect person. Will his life flop or will it be all up hill from that point? Read To Find Out_-_-_ *Waves* I'm Out! *Runs* -Adventurer12_07All Rights Reserved